Aamchi Mumbai!

Mumbai is magnificent, Mumbai is colorful, Mumbai is calm but it is also chaos, Mumbai is heritage, Mumbai is a city that never sleeps, it is a city that dreams bigger than any other, it is a feeling! The feeling of Limitlessness. I welcome you all to MY city, the city that paces like there is no tomorrow, the city that grows as fast as it moves. I welcome the globe to Mumbai 💙

Jiya Ashar | Local Committee President


Dream Big, in the city of Dreams

Mumbai- rightly known as the city of dreams is known for its fast paced lifestyle, it is the city that never sleeps. The feeling of limitlessness is not just our brand but also an emotion which all Mumbaikars associate with! The city has a life of itself, it let’s you dream, it let’s you flourish and it let’s YOU grow along with itself. This is the experience we strive to offer through our Internships, Volunteering and Teaching opportunities! Mumbai isn’t just a city, it’s more. We have beaches , we have mountains , we have nightlife we have cruises, Basically, we have everything you want. Come experience the emotions of Mumbai, Aamchi Mumbai!


Experience with us


Our Products

Global Volunteer

The most selfless and selfish product that AIESEC in Mumbai runs. As we know that Mumbai is the most diversified city of India, A city of dreams which is also the financial capital of India. It has over 100 plus organisations who work for the betterment of this city and their citizens. Providing opportunities in various fields, so what’s better than to come here and volunteer with us for so many opportunities that we have specially curated for you.

Here, we truly believe in creating an impact and with that we provide the best value delivery to our people in those 45 days. Global volunteer here, means providing life changing experiences, and we cannot Wait to do that!

Global Talent

The professional opportunities in Mumbai are as diverse as the city itself. Being the corporate hub, the city boasts top notch MNCs, SMEs and Startups offering a plethora of opportunities including the mainstream fields i.e Commerce, Science, Arts, Tech and Engineering. The companies here are not only high in quantitative sense but also in qualitative sense when it comes to the work culture and space for an individual to grow.

Mumbai is the Financial Capital of India which helps the corporal jungle to offer 100+ job openings everyday which paves the way for AIESEC in Mumbai to provide Life-Changing professional Experiences to all the exchange participants and creates potential Job opportunities for the youth in the future.

Global Teacher

Global Teacher Program aims to connect with eminently qualified international teachers with ease who comprehend the essence of quality education and foster a global perspective, appreciation and tolerance for diverse cultures and educational backgrounds.

The beautiful city of Mumbai has vast opportunities in various areas of studies with the end goal of impactful teaching and achieving higher standards for human excellence


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  • International Relations

  • Exchange Participants

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Our Partners


Visit Mumbai

If you are curious about what Mumbai feels like, here’s a sneak peek!


Meet the Team

Reach Out to us!

Hello and welcome to our beautiful city. A “city that never sleeps” indeed is one that will open doors to a plethora of opportunities, unending rich culture and mouth watering food. I can vouch for the fact that you will never feel alone here, for there will always be a smiling face around you! Mumbai is like no other city in the world, and once you experience it, I promise that it will capture your heart and fill you with warmth. Come experience Mumbai at its finest, come experience the feeling of limitlessness with us. We will make sure that your adventure is our priority.

Radhika Gupta | Head Of Marketing | AIESEC in Mumbai


What is the living cost?

The average living cost in 15,000 - 20,000 INR/ month

What kind of accommodation do we provide?

Hostels, Host family and Sharing flats.

What is the mode of travel?

Travelling - Cab, Auto, Local Buses.

Will the accommodation be near to the workplace?

Yes, accommodation is ideally within a 4KM radius of the workplace.

Will EPs have to quarantine or not?

Depends upon the protocol by the government.

What kind of Visa is needed?

Employment visa/ student visa

eVisa is feasible but not recommended